Optimize for Google but also for Bing and Yahoo.

Admittedly, Google seems to be the most used Search Engines,but there are still some Users who prefer to use other Search Engines such as BING, YAHOO, DUCKDUCKGO or other less well known ones.

If you make a Search for your own Domain Name or Relevant Keyword to find your Site in those different Search Engines you will quickly see that your Position in each one will be different.

You might be Nr 1 on GOOGLE but only Nr 7 in YAHOO or Nr 10 in BING. Or you might be Nr 1 on BING but way down on the GOOGLE List.
I ran a short test with my own Website:

On other Search Engines and using other Search Words the Position might be and will be different.

Optimizing for Bing/Yahoo vs. Google

If you’ve decided that it’s time to focus a little more attention on optimizing for Yahoo and Bing, here’s a bit of good news – Yahoo search is powered by Bing, meaning you only end up optimizing for one extra search engine rather than two. Another helpful fact is that Bing and Google’s algorithms are similar in many ways.

For example, optimizing URLs and domain names for keywords and having a large number of high-quality, dofollow backlinks are equally important to Bing/Yahoo and Google.

However, that’s pretty much where the similarities between the two search engines end. As far as the differences, here are the main ones to worry about:

Website Type

While Google focuses on newer, commercial, or popular websites in its results, Bing tends to favor older websites with more official domain names such as .edu or .gov. What does all this mean? It means that Google is quick to offer up socially relevant sites whereas Bing is more likely to provide factually relevant information.

Flash Media

While Google has a hard time figuring out what to do about Flash media, Bing does a great job of indexing it, and offers extra credit for sites that use it.


Local searches on Bing and Google will often have much different results, with Google’s often swaying in favor of larger, more established companies and Bing being more likely to show small businesses. Why? Because when you search for local businesses on Bing, it assumes that you want the most proximal, which isn’t always the big box store in town. Google, however, gives you the most credible, which often is the larger business.


One of the things that sets Bing apart from Google the most is its approach to search by integrating social media. When searching on Bing, if a Facebook friend has recommended or rated the company or product mentioned in the search, the user can see it right away. Google hasn’t quite been able to integrate social media into their searches as well as Bing.

On-Page SEO

Google is much smarter than Bing when it comes to keywords. While Google is far more intuitive about the context of a page, Bing still relies heavily on keywords in page titles, meta tags, and on the page, which means that straightforward, specific keywords are the way to go for Bing SEO.

The Real Reason to Optimize for Bing and Yahoo

If you work with SEO, you know that the most important thing to optimize for isn’t Google, and it’s not Bing or Yahoo either – it’s the visitor. Ranking on the first page of any site is great, but if your site visitors aren’t interested in your website once you’ve drawn them there, then all your hard work was for nothing.

Once you’ve created a great, user-friendly website, you absolutely must optimize it for Google, Bing, and Yahoo so that your potential customers are given the opportunity to discover what you’ve created.
If you do not have the technical know-how nor the time or patience to optimize your Website I can help for a once off low Fee.Please contact me with your Project.