What can you sell Online?

The Answer is obvious-EVERYTHING

One of my customers sells amazing hand-painted wooden Cut Outs to decorate your Baby’s or any other Room. You can see them at www.theletterlady.co.za

Another one is making and selling Decoupage Items, handmade wooden Toys, Artists Easels and other Wooden Items in Jeffreys Bay. www.pridiacraft.co.za
What about Fashion, Shoes and Clothing in General. Yes you can.www.saffablonde.com is doing just that.
High End Sports Equipment in Cape Town? Look no further than https://www.venturesportimports.com/
Fancy a Chinese or Asian Food Take Away tonight? Try www.wokiwok.eu for the best Asian Food (according to Customer Reviews).
Clothing and Fashion Accessories can be easily sold online similar to www.cleverbazaar.com (Fashion Importer to Cyprus based in Larnaca).
Or buy your perfume online at www.perfumemall.eu (under development)
(Remember- No Brick and Mortar Rent to pay, In some Cases not even stock to hold and generally lower Overheads compared to a physical Shop.)

But Selling Online is not restricted to physical Stock Items:
A week ago one of our customers used a eCommerce Website in ways I did not expect. This person created a payment form for selling their wedding planning training tour all across US and Canada.

He sold his tours in the amount well over in 5 figures …

Just around the same time, I saw a local NGO selling their branded T-Shirts for their fundraising campaign.

Well selling is awesome …. It drives economy….
I have learned these things from the people who are using any of the many free CMS Open Source Systems in ways I didn’t expect.

A university in the UK is selling their programs and courses online. They created a form with all the courses listed in a drop down box. Students choose the course they are interested in, fill the enrollment form and make the purchase.
I have a hockey training company selling their training services. They sell their training camps to youngsters all throughout the year. They have training camps for students of all age group. They charge on the basis of age group.
One of the software developer in Norway charges his customer a monthly recurring subscription fee for his software. He had well over 100 recurring customers that he charges on the regular basis.

I have seen a cab company in Malaysia doing cab bookings online. They have services plying between Malaysian Airport to KL Tower and back. They added all the traveling options with the pricing and ask customers to book and pay in advance for their services.

Well the possibilities are endless and you can REALLY sell anything online….

Here are the simple action steps to start selling online:

Pick something you want to sell. It can be product or service or anything else that you might be selling already.
Use a free CMS Systems such as WordPress or Joomla (or others). You will need a eCommerce or Online Shop Extension such as WooCommerce (free). You can pick PayPal, Stripe or Direct Bank Deposit payment options depending upon what service you want to use to charge your customers.
Feed in the price and the name of the product or service that you are selling.
Connect your PayPal or Stripe account with your Website.
Start sharing website links on your social network or embed payment forms directly on your website. You can also email your leads and ask them to make a purchase.
Start Selling instantly and start collecting payments. You will have all payment analytics on the dashboard.
Need additional Help setting it up?
eCommerce Website including setting up base site, theme of your choice, shopping cart extensions, creation of demo Categories and Products, password protected admin back end to add, edit or delete Stock in less than 3 days depending on domain name availability.
Contact me with your Ideas