Advertising your Holiday Rental on large OTA’s (Online Travel Agencies) such as or Expedia etc.?
They usually do NOT allow a Link back to your OWN Website for obvious reasons as they would not like to loose out on Booking Commission.
Some Users have reported Success with embedded QR Codes onto 1 or 2 or their Images. See an example below.
Like a Rock Guesthouse - Bloemfontein
Like a Rock Guesthouse Bloemfontein
A Real and Open Guesthouse. Image contains the QR Code to take you straight to their own Home Page.

If you need help creating something similar for your Own Images on your Listings please contact me.
I will need a Link to your OWN Website, and an Image where you would like the QR Code embedded onto.
No Guarantee is given that the OTA will accept your Image with QR CODE.